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Textbook in PDF format
Here’s a preview of what you’ll find inside:
Windows 11 for seniors: Debunking the myths, we’ll show you how Windows 11 is tailored for those who didn’t grow up with technology close at hand, focusing on accessibility and ease of use.
Ready to use, in your hands: a detailed step-by-step guide to getting Windows 11 up and running, ensuring a smooth start to your digital adventure.
Make it yours: With customization tips, adjust settings, sounds and visuals to your liking and make sure your device works for you, not the other way around.
Connect: Explore the world of messaging, video calling and social media, bringing your loved ones closer than ever.
Browsing the Internet and Email: Simple instructions for browsing the web and managing email so you can connect with the information and people that matter most.
tips and tricks: On these pages you will find a wide range of troubleshooting tricks and practical solutions tailored to overcome the common obstacles you encounter and help you solve problems